Do you need help with Energy Assistance Applications?
Old Lyme Social Service Coordinator, Jennifer Datum will be here on Friday, January 20th from 9:15am -12:45pm. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 228 for more information or for an appointment.
Do you need help with Energy Assistance Applications?
Old Lyme Social Service Coordinator, Jennifer Datum will be here on Friday, January 20th from 9:15am -12:45pm. Call (860)434-1605 ext. 228 for more information or for an appointment.
Bingo will be held on January 18th at 1:00pm. Admission is $1.00 at the door.
A free sing along with Songbird Judy Hall will take place on January 17th at 1:00pm
Tuesday, December 20th at 11:30 AM
Club 55 Holiday Luncheon
Flank Steak, Coco-Mango Tilapia, salad, Sweet Potatoes,Broccoli Normandy, Salad, Cake, Crystal Lite/Coffee/Tea
Club 55 raffle winner will be drawn. Prizes of $300, $200 and $100.
Ledyard High School Carolers perform at 1 pm
Register by Friday, December 16th
Financial Health Check Up
On Thursday, January 12th from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm retired financial professional, Diana Melville, CLU, ChFC is available to help answer your questions about money
Hello Montville Community! While we are still in the middle of our food & new toy collection for our Annual Christmas Food & Toy/Gift Baskets Program for our families in need, we are also collecting gently used, in good condition toys to make available to our families. Donations of used toys can be dropped off at the Social Services Building! New toys & food donations can be brought to the senior center! With any donations – if office hours are difficult, please contact Kathleen and she will be more than happy to make arrangements! 🎄
🎁Thank you!
ADT Health Services Presentation on Medical Alert Systems Presented by Robert Ieraci from ADT Health Service on January 13th. at 1:00pm.
How-to-Save-a-Life-and-What-to-Do-Before-the-Ambulance Arrives Presented by EMT’s/ EMS’ Colleen Atkinson and Doug LoPresti on January 11th at 1:00pm.
Ways to Prevent Depression, Anxiety & Grief from Interfering and Consuming your Life Presented by Lisa Naverra, Clinical Social Worker from Senior Bridge will be held on January 10th. at 1:00pm.
An 7 Week Watercolor and Drawing Class taught by Sharon Schmiedel will be held on Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon, Jan 10 to Feb 28. [no class Feb. 21st.] This class is geared toward people with some art experience, though newcomers are welcome. Students can choose to work solely in drawing or watercolor. Exercises will be created that work for either medium. We will also explore combining the two to use for “sketching in the field” to prepare students for drawing outdoors. We will offer an outdoor field sketching course in late Spring. To first class bring what you have for drawing and/or watercolor materials. We will go over a suggested supply list in the first class to see if you need to add anything. Call Stephanie to register. 860-434-1605, ext.204 Fee $35.00