Category: Resources

What Can Your Health District Do For You??

TODAY January 23,2023 10:00 AM -12:00 PM

“What Can Your Health District Do For You??” Stop by the front lobby to chat with Keely and Tiffany. They are student interns from UCONN , partnering with Ledge Light Health District.


Artist Nook January featured artist : Luther Kelly Hall

Artist Nook January featured artist :

Luther Kelly Hall

Luther is an internationally featured sporting artist. His paintings and illustrations have been featured in sporting publications, galleries and collections throughout the US, Canada and Japan including the American Museum of Fly Fishing-Manchester, Vermont, The International Game Fishing Hall of Fame, The Cascapedia River Museum-Quebec, Canada, The Maritime Art Gallery at Mystic Seaport Museum, Fly Fisher Magazine –Japan, Gray’s Sporting Journal-Illustrations , Yale Anglers Journal cover artist, Natural New England Magazine-interview and illustrations, Atlantic Salmon Journal -illustrations and interview, Baltimore Orioles-Camden Yards, Sportsman’s Gallery-Atlanta and Beaver Creek, Colorado, and Redbone Gallery-Islamorada, Florida, Sporting Classics Magazine-illustrations, Redbone Journal -celebrity angler and artist, illustrator and interview, Wlikes University Magazine-interview, Pennsylvania Angler Magazine, Sportsman’s Gallery-Atlanta, Beaver Creek, Colorado. Atlantic Salmon Museum-Doaktown New Brunswick, Canada, Atlantic Salmon Federation-The Plaza Hotel-NYC, The Waldorf Astoria Ducks Unlimited -NYC. Miramichi Salmon Association-Boston. He also earned competition second place in the 1997, 1998 Pennsylvania Trout Stamp

In addition, Luther taught art in the Groton Public Schools for 47 years and maintains a professional studio in the Noank Foundry on Marsh Road in Noank. PLease come by our center and enjoy his paintings. On display throughout January 2023.

Thank you for sharing with us Luther!

* Select pieces are for sale


Let’s make 2023 a year of kindness!

10 Easy Acts of Kindness!


According to the Random Acts of Kindness foundation (RAK), performing just one act of kindness per day can reduce stress and anxiety- for you and the person you help. Kindness doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 10 easy ways to start down a kinder path.

  1. Replace one complaint with a compliment each day
  2. Pay for the person behind you in the drive through
  3. Use a meal donation service to give a friend a week off from kitchen duty
  4. Send a nice email or letter
  5. Impressed with someone’s work? Let his or her manager know
  6. Donate worn towels and blankets to an animal shelter
  7. Give up a prime parking spot in a crowded lot
  8. Smile– it’s contagious!
  9. Leave your server or barista a generous tip
  10. Tuck an encouraging note into a random book in the library

Do You Have Talent?

Gnog Show  Friday, February 24  5:00 -7:00 pm is our very popular talent show.  We are now recruiting acts for this event!

  • Do you have an act?
  • Each act performs for 3 minutes.
  • We welcome anyone 55 and older!

If so, please email or call 860-441-6623.

We begin with a delicious dinner hen we move on to the show! Dinner is Roasted Cornish Hen, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Broccoli Blend Vegetables, Roll, Apple Pie, Punch, Coffee/Tea.  Cost is $20 per person Register by February 21st. After that there will be a late fee $5.00



Covid & Flu Information

*We have a supply of Covid testing kits, if needed.

* If you need an appointment at Walgreens or Walmart for a flu or Covid Shot, Please call us  if you are unable to make one  online.


Donations Needed

Needed: decaf coffee, Creamora styrofoam coffee cups. and paper towels

TVCCA Energy Assistance

We are an intake site to complete your energy application. Please call to make an appointment.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed for a variety of areas in the center. Call to find out where you can help!