Call Senior Center for more information
Strength training to help maintain and improve functional, daily living movements. Working muscles that are associated with balance, walking, walking up and down stairs, getting in and out of chairs, reaching and many other moves to help maintain function.
DAY: Tuesdays, 10 weeks
TIME: 1:30 – 2:30
BEGINS: September 14
FEE: This is offered through many insurance companies or you may arrange direct payment with the instructor.
Join us for scheduled hikes in and around Ledyard and Gales Ferry and surrounding towns. Call 860-464-0478 to register and for more details.
DAY: September 7
TIME: 9:00 – 10:30
LOCATION: Avery Preserve – Avery Hill Road
DAY: September 21
TIME: 9:00 – 10:30
LOCATION: Tri Town Trail
Face mask are only required by those that are unvaccinated.
Terrance Bogan, 1st place winner in 2020 of Broadway World’s Next On Stage Vocal Competition for High Students and Pianist Gerald Moshell.
Event is open to the public. Admission is FREE. Program is about 40 minutes.
Optional Lunch is available after the program at 1:00pm for $7.00 per person. Reservation for luncheon must be made by 10:00am on Tuesday, August 10th by call 860-464-0478.