


    VIRTUAL MAT YOGA- Mondays at 1:00pm

    This gentle class is designed for seniors who want to remain active and vibrant.  Using traditional yoga poses, with variations and modifications for students who have problems with knees, hips, wrist, shoulders and back, this class focuses on function, strength, balance, and flexibility.  We start sitting on the floor, transition to hands and knees, then standing poses, then hands and knees again onto the belly, ending on the back for deep relaxation. We often use chairs for balance and support for the standing poses.  Pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy round out the class.

    • DAY: Mondays, 10 weeks
    • TIME: 1:00 – 2:00pm
    • BEGINS: July 5
    • FEE: $50
    • INSTRUCTOR: Sandy Hartnett