Category: Programs


Applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program are being taken at the New London office of TVCCA. Appointments are required. Please call 860-444-0006. The

Senior Center office will assist the Senior and Disabled population of East Lyme with their

applications. You must call the Senior Center office to obtain your appointment. Appointments will be made at Twin Haven and the AHEPA housing complexes for those residents. Watch for notices.

To be eligible:

  1. In a one-person household, income can be NO greater than $36,171. In a two-person household, income can be NO greater than $47,300.
  2. If you are a renter, the first $12,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.
  3. If you are a homeowner, the first $15,000.00 in liquid assets is disregarded. Any amount over that limit, when added to the annual gross income must be below the income guidelines.

The application process should take about 15 minutes.  The following information is required:

  1. Proof of income sources: copy of most recent monthly (quarterly, annual) check or copy of an award letter or copy of most recent bank statement showing the direct deposit. If you are employed you must provide a copy of your four most recent consecutive pay stubs.
  2. Dividends, annuities or interest income (has to be more than $10/month). Copy of a statement for the most recently completed period.
  3. Proof of what you pay for rent. In addition, the name, address and telephone number of your landlord is required. If you are a homeowner and pay a mortgage, you must provide proof of your mortgage payment.
  4. If you have a checking and/or savings account, you must bring in the most recent ENTIRE statement.
  5. If natural gas or electricity heats the household, bring in the most recent ENTIRE statement.

Please remember all members of the household who receive income must report their income.


Walk with Ease- Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday (Class will start in the Spring)

Time- 2:oopm to 3:00pm

Class led by a Certified Walk With Ease instructor

Certified by the Arthritis Foundation, Walk With Ease is a program that “teaches you to SAFELY make physical activity part of your everyday life”.  This program can help reduce pain and discomfort from arthritis, increase balance and strength, and improve your overall health.

Don’t let arthritis hold you back – learn how walking can help you to move easier and with less pain and improve your quality of life.  Take control of your pain and your life with this first step!

Program possible with a grant from Senior Resources with Title III funds available under the Older Americans Act.


Energy Assistance applications

March 16, 2020 is the deadline for fuel authorizations or deliveries

May 1, 2020 is the last day that a household can apply to establish its eligibility for benefits unless the household is utility heated and has received a SHUT-OFF NOTICE for its primary source of heat.

May 15, 2020 is the last day that a utility heated household with a shut-off notice for its primary source of  heat can apply to establish its eligibility for benefits.

May 29, 2020 is the last day to submit deliverable fuel bills.

Energy Assistance applications

Energy Assistance applications continue to be accepted at this time.  If you are interested in applying for the program and are unsure whether you qualify or not, feel free to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6.