
    Live in the now! – CONTENT BY JUDY

    Oh, I don’t have time.

    Nope I can’t afford it.

    It’s too expensive.

    Who will take care of the dog?

    I can’t because my husband, mother, sister isn’t feeling well.

    I have to be available for my grandchildren.

    There is no one else.

    Next time I will.

    Next year I will.

    After I retire I will.

    Yes, I really really want to but….

    Have you heard and or said these things?

    Is this what stops you from doing the things you dream about? The things you want to do?

    Is this what stops you from making that bucket list.

    Well you know what – there will come a time when you really won’t be able to do those things. It will be when your spouse or traveling partner is dead. When you have lost the ability to travel. When you truly have no money left because you gave it all to the kids.

    So, change all of those things. Stop being that person who always has a reason to not do something. Become the person who is out and about. The person executing the plans.

    My in-laws died before they could do any of the above things because they always had those reasons of why not to and unfortunately, they both died within 3 months of each other in their late 60’s.

    My husband and I learned to get out there and travel, remodel the house, visit relatives, learn new things, question our wants and needs.

    Live in the now. Don’t delay! Make your plans for 2019! Be present.

    And you know what you’ll be happier. You’ll enjoy life more. You’ll have new stories to tell. And you’ll find more things you can and want to do. Get out there and enjoy life.


    Norwich Human Services and Norwich Youth and Family Services are seeking individuals and organizations that are willing to adopt one or more families for our “Adopt-A-Family” program this Holiday season.  All Families are from the Norwich area, have been screened by a case manager, are known to be in need and most are living below the poverty level.

    Thanks to the kind and generous support in the past by individuals and organizations such as you, we are able to make holidays more joyful for many young children in the community.  If you or your organization would be willing to adopt at least one family, we would greatly appreciate your support.

    You may contact us at (860) 823-3778 or by email at

    Please indicate the family size you would be willing to sponsor.  You or your organization will then be sent information about a family in need.  The information will include the first names, ages, sizes and special interests of each family member.

    Please consider sharing this request with your family and friends to help us identify new sponsors.

    Thank you!  Your kindness will not be forgotten.

    The staff at Norwich Human Services


    Monday, December 25th- Christmas Day Party

    Doors will be open at 11:00 AM and hors d’oeuvre’s will be served starting at 11:00 AM.
    Dinner will be served at 12:00 PM.  Come with a good appetite.  We will close at 3:00 PM.

    Come Join Us On Christmas Day!
    The Christmas elves (new and old) will be hosting their Annual Christmas Party on December 25th! Don’t stay home alone – Come join us!  We will be having the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings, ending with a delicious dessert.  After dinner, Santa Claus will be making his annual appearance before heading back to the North Pole.  After we bid goodbye to Santa for the year, we will have fun playing Bingo!

    We look forward to seeing old friends again, and perhaps making new friends this year.  The new Christmas Dinner Lady (CDL), Celia is excited about meeting everyone again this year.  Come and enjoy a traditional meal, some homemade snacks and visit with old friends and new.

    If you know someone who will be alone, tell them to join us. We promise they won’t be sorry.

    Please call starting December 3rd to make your reservation.  Sign up by December 20th.
    Call (860) 889-5960 to sign up and for details on available transportation.



    Games Anyone?

    Our Card Room is looking empty in the afternoons!  We are looking for people interested in forming afternoon card groups to play Pinochle or Bridge.  We also have a variety of board games available if anyone wants to form a group to play different games.  Please see Hilary or Mike if you are interested!