
    1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month- Blood Pressure Clinic- Volunteer R.N.

    Blood Pressure Clinic- Volunteer R.N. is held at the Senior Center for blood pressure checks the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. This is a free service and appointments are not necessary.

    Please call (860) 889-5960 for details and additional information.

    April 27th- MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

    MEDICARE BOOTCAMP – Understand Your Medicare Benefits

    April 27th 10:00 a.m.

    New to Medicare? Turning 65? Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits?

    Be sure to attend this informative Medicare informational session to learn more about:

    • Medicare Part A, B, C, D • When to Enroll to Avoid Penalties

    • Alternative Medicare Options • Medicare Premium Assistance Programs

    Please sign up at Reception

    Presentation by a Certified CHOICES Counselor from Senior Resources Agency on Aging.

    Presentation supported by the CT State Department on Aging with funding provided through a grant from the Administration for Community Living.

    March 22- Nutrition Talk – Carbohydrate Counting for Diabetics

    Nutrition Talk – Carbohydrate Counting for Diabetics

    March 22nd 10:30 a.m.

    Whether you or your loved one have had Diabetes for years, or have been newly diagnosed, this

    Carb Counting Seminar can help teach you how to keep your blood sugars under control.

    Norwichtown Rehab & Care Center Dietitian, Cheyanne, will review carbohydrate portion sizes, how to read food labels, and tips on keeping your carbohydrate intake consistent throughout the day.

    Please sign up at Reception.

    March 30- Birthday Celebration

    The Birthday Celebration for March will be on March 30th at 11:45 a.m. You must sign up in the Dining Room for lunch that day to be eligible for the drawing.

    Sunshine Corner

    Thinking of You and Get Well Wishes to Gloria Outwater, Ann Segal,

    Hazel Lotring, Judy Irvin, Judith Kelman, Prudence Scalaro and Joyce Sullivan.

    Our Sympathy to the families of Ronald McCullough and Frances Toliver.

    Condolences to Arthur Syrene for the loss of his mother, Clara Roberts.